Mar 062021

Marital Peace Covenant Day of Marital Peace What is Peace In the Marriage Peace is something you must continually strive for, commit to, and work purposefully to maintain even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Enjoying peace in your marriage means more than merely refraining from fighting and bickering with your partner. If there is [...]

Feb 272021

Wisdom Covenant Day of wisdom What is wisdom? Wisdom is the application of all the information you understand. That is, Knowledge is accumulation of information, understanding is the grasping, comprehension and interpretation of that information. The Bible says, wisdom is the principal thing. Wisdom is the application of Knowledge. You become a sage or sagacious [...]

Feb 272021

Love The Covenant Day of Love. What is Love? Love means to be deeply committed and connected to someone or something. To feel more than liking toward someone. It is a bond that two people share. The word Love is mostly abused by the people. Today the love of things is been promoted by the [...]

Jan 112021

Prophetic Messages Part 2 “Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” ‭‭Amos‬ ‭3:7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ God will not destroy the nations of the world without warning the nations by His prophets For example, The present Coronavirus was revealed to God’s prophets, Silvan Brown. In her Book: The [...]

Jan 112021

FProphetic Messages To AMERICA. Part 1 In 2015 God revealed to me about his discipline on the nations that rejected him. The assault on American Democracy and the pandemic is a token punishment by God. God used Donald Trump to bring America down to the shocking of the whole world. Because American succumbed to the [...]

Jan 052021

Sin has been part and parcel of human life. Sin has become integral part of man from the garden of Eden. In fact, sin is hardly mentioned again in our national life. The churches hardly talk about sin. Mentioning sin is a taboo in some religion because many people will not come again. The greatest [...]

Jan 032021

Fasting that God Approve: What is a fast? Fasting is the willful refrainment from eating for a period of time. And denying one flesh from sinning. Fasting is a good time to confess your sins and to repent from sinning. It is a time to seek God’s mercy and forgiveness. A time to meditate on [...]

Jan 032021

The Day of The Lord. The Last Days What does the day of the Lord means? What are its implications for the present world? What shall you do to be safe? The day of the Lord means different things to differet people. Some people the day of the Lord is not in their vocabulary nor [...]

Jan 032021

The American Idols The American Idol was a Television Episode or a Television Show. Many of us enjoy watching this shows. Anyone of the contestants who won this show become rich and famous. Many commercial signs her up for their products. The question is who is your idol? Who do idolize? Who do you follow [...]

Jan 032021

Flee from idolatry. “Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” ‭‭I John‬ ‭5:21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ What is an idol What is an Idols ““You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;” [...]